Sunday, November 27, 2011

Black Friday/Beauty Maddness

        While I was shopping this Black Friday, I noticed something really weird. I don’t know if you have ever realized this, but isn’t it strange to have a day that is absolutely crazy about buy stuff that we really want--right after the day that we are supposed to be content with the things we have? Not that I don’t like Black Friday. It’s just that the day right after I promise God that I will look more for his blessings around me, I wake up at 3 in the morning to go shopping. :)  
     I can remember a few years ago, I was so upset that my parents wouldn’t let me go Black Friday shopping. That Monday when I went to school everyone had new stuff. A new phone, new shoes--one girl’s parents had even bought her a car for when she was old enough to drive!!! And there I was, the same as I had always been. I felt like an absolute nobody. Now that I look back on that, I can see how instead of looking at myself for who I was, I looked for my value in the possessions that I had. I still sometimes do that. I have those days when I wake up and look in the mirror and just feel ugly. Or I look at my clothes. Or my hair. I look for my value in things--not at the real me. I’ve noticed that when I check in the mirror about how I look, I often worry about what people will think. I am a person who is constantly worried about what people will think of me. Sometimes I just have to take a step back, and look at Proverbs 31:30-31.

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.  Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate. "

    Then I remember that if people look at me just for what I look like--then they don’t see the real me. They just see my face, the outer shell of me. I know that someday that when I stand before God, the things of this earth really won’t matter when it comes down to everything.

    But, of course, I’m not saying that I should just totally not care about what I look like. There is a fine line between wanting to look good and overstressing about it.

    Look at this woman for instance. To make the long story short, she is planning on not looking in a mirror for a whole year!! Personally, I think that is very extreme, as well that not looking in the mirror will not raise her self esteem any. By looking in the mirror and accepting herself for herself is what would help. But not looking at your reflection for a year, you are in a sense “running” from yourself. When I look in the mirror now, I try to look at me for me--not run from myself.

    Well, now that I have managed to get from the topic of Black Friday to a woman who isn’t looking in a mirror for a whole year, I think I will come  to a close :) Please comment; I love feedback!



  1. Hello! Well, I saw your comment on, and I cam to see your blog. :) Very nice post. I guess I get to be your first comment! God bless you, sister in Christ.

  2. Thnx!! By the way, I read your blog and love it :)
